“But Even If He Doesn’t” – A Sermon for the Hurting One – Update – uploaded to Youtube


Update – Sermon is now on Youtube with captions for your convenience. Link is below.

“But Even If He Doesn’t” – A Sermon for the Hurting One

By Nathan Leal

Many of God’s people are facing trials and challenges right now. Some are facing the trial of their life, and it is wearing them down.

What do we do when the report is not what we want to hear?

And what does one do when they may be facing the worst case scenario?

Trials will come. And in these end times, trials have become all too common for many people and some people are feeling that they can’t go on.

Can you relate? Help is coming my friend, and this sermon message is presented to encourage you and the body of Christ. It was birthed in prayer …. and with tears.

Please share it with everyone that you know.

Both the audio link and Youtube link are below:

Thank you for listening to the message. I hope and pray that it blesses you.

In His Service,
Nathan Leal